Team Coaching.

Teams or Groups?

An effective Team is small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

But to get the most out of that Team, you need to work on defining what the common purpose is, what are the goals the whole team works towards, and what does mutual accountability mean to the team. These things don’t happen, or don’t get defined, unless the business leadership puts in the time and effort to get them documented and implemented.

Build it.

A Team needs to define its purpose and its role as a Team, rather than a set of individuals. It also needs to align around a clear vision and figure out how to leverage each team member’s experience and perspective when making good decisions. Most important, the team needs to partner with each of its key stakeholders to learn, look around corners, connect the dots, and chart a path forward to drive positive impact and value creation. We work with teams for an extended period to define their goals, develop an operating system and learn how to hold each other accountable. This is done through workshops, coaching and observation of the team practices.